2013年7月6日 星期六

訂飯店也能賺哩程!(Earning airline miles with hotel bookings)


這個問題在 Pointshound 網站出現之後,終於算是有了出路啦!其實 Pointshound 就像是一般的線上訂房網站,可以代訂飯店。只是 Pointshound 的特色是,每一筆訂房都會讓你有不同額度的哩程進賬,而且是直接匯到你選擇的飛行哩程計劃裡的!對於像我這種對於累積哩程/點數已經到了幾近強迫症地步的人來說,算是終於給了我一個入住一般飯店品牌的動機了吧!這樣以後入住台灣的獨立飯店,也不用擔心拿不到點數啦~

As someone based in Taiwan, one of the problems with accumulating miles/points is that there aren't so many hotels that belong to international brands here. The ones that do are often overpriced and unaffordable. Also many Taiwanese local brands and independent hotels are all very good and worth staying. Unfortunately I often had to give them up because I couldn't earn any points from them.

This problem was finally solved after Pointshound was launched. Pointshound is like many online booking websites that you can book hotels through; but the special part of Pointshound is that you get to earn airline miles if you book through them. Each booking with get you a number of miles and they are deposited directly to your designated frequent flyer account! For someone that is obsessed with miles/points like me, this finally gave me the opportunity to stay in some local brands in Taiwan. I don't have to worry about not getting any points/miles anymore!

目前 Pointshound 的航空公司夥伴有:聯合航空、維珍美國航空、美國航空、達美航空、阿提哈德航空等等。雖然沒有一般台灣人常搭的亞洲航空公司,不過現在主要航空公司都有加入航空聯盟,所以用聯合航空的哩程也可以換到長榮、新航、泰航、全日空等星空聯盟的航空公司免費票或是座艙升等;美國航空的哩程也可以換國泰、日航:達美航空可以換到華航、韓航等等。多在這些航空公司累積哩程,還是相當有用的。

So far Pointshound's partner airlines include: United Airlines, Virgin America, American Airlines, Delta, Etihad, etc. Even though it does not partner with Asian airlines, but since most airlines are now part of alliances, you can get free tickets from EVA, Singapore, Thai, ANA via United miles; Cathay and JAL via American Miles, and China Airlines & Korean via Delta miles. So it still makes sense to put miles into these airlines.

從上面這張圖就可以看到,在台北一晚大約四千~五千台幣左右的飯店,都可以有600~700哩的哩程入帳,算是不無小補。而且 Pointshound 也常常會有一些促銷或是特賣,提供額外的獎勵哩程或是特殊折扣。而且 Pointshound 還有會員級別制度,一但訂房次數累積到一定程度就可以升等。升等之後,每次訂房可以得到的哩程數也會跟著增加!

一般來說這種線上訂房網站最大的問題,就是如果訂購大型集團飯店(像是喜達屋、希爾頓或是洲際等等),就沒有辦法累積飯店常客計劃的點數。不過對於這個問題,在 Pointshound 也是有解決辦法的,因為 Pointshound 現在有推出「Double Up」的方案(目前只有在美國境內實施),只要有看到「Double Up」的圖示,就代表可以同時累積哩程跟飯店官方的點數,等於是多賺了好幾百哩啊!!

As shown by the picture above, a one-night stay in one of the hotels charging about $160 per night gets you 600~700 miles, which is a pretty good deal from my perspective. Plus Pointshound usually has some special promotion or bonus offering some bonus miles for each booking. Pointshound also has a tiered membership program. Once you reach a higher level after several bookings, you get to earn more miles with each booking.

Most of the time the major setback with these online booking websites is that you don't earn hotel points or elite status when you are booking hotels with its own loyalty program (like Starwood SPG, Hilton HHonors, or IHG). Pointshound also has a solution for this one! It has a "double up" rate with these major groups (currently only available in the U.S.) that allows you to earn both miles and hotel points. So basically you get all those miles for free with nothing to lose.

自從 Pointshound 推出之後,我自己已經透過它訂了幾間台灣的飯店,價位其實和平常訂房的價格差不多,所以等於是額外多賺了一些哩程,算是相當划算而且方便的訂房網站喔!

After Pointshound was launched, I already used it to book several hotels in Taiwan. Most of the rate are pretty much the same as the rate you get from the hotels. So that means some extra miles at no extra cost, making Pointshound a really good and potentially fruitful way to book hotels.

另外一個以北美洲為主的訂房網站 Rocketmiles 也是以同樣的方式在運作。雖然 Rocketmiles 並沒有「Double Up」的方案,但是它平均賺取的哩程是比 Pointshound 高上許多的,至少都有 1000 哩以上。如果近期內有要去北美旅遊的朋友,可以考慮使用看看。

Another booking site Rocketmiles (mostly for hotels in North America) pretty much works the same way. Even though Rocketmiles doesn't have a "double up" rate, the average number of miles you get are way more than Pointshound. Most hotel bookings earn at least 1000 miles. So if you are planning a trip to North America, this might be a good way to book hotels.

